This part should not have had any work from me, because it was already done by a previous owner, but still it needed work!

The lower quarter panel had been replaced when replacing the sill
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

It all looked in good condition
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Just a light touch with the sandblaster…..
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

…. revealed way to thin metal where the wing en front meet!
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

So I rewelded it all
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild