This is so satifying to do. Filling up the engine bay.

You have to start somewhere! Brake servo was first up.
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

New brake lines
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Oops, still very dirty
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

A rub with a cleaning spunge workes great
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Locking mechanisme in place
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Fuel filter mounted
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Throttle mechanisme cleaned and new rubbers
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

The overhauled engine
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Carefully lifting the engine into position
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

That looks so cool!
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Radiator and air filter in place
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild