And after all the hard work it was finaly time to prepare the car for transport to the painter. I stripped the complete body to bare metal myself. And the rest should be done by the expert. At least, that’s my opiion…

Bonnet stripped of paint
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

A lot of hard work to clean it all
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

The doors were also stripped to bare metal
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Easy access to the bottom with the use of the hoops
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

All exterior and bottom done
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Nice clean rear
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

On the way to the painter
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Used tin to fill
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Here a touch of tin as well
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Primed for the first time
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

The interior will also be resprayed
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

SMoothing the body with filler
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

layer of epoxy
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

I can’t get enough of pictures of the car in this state
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

My favorit picture: All done before painting it in Blue Hollandais
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Undercoating and color sprayed
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Rear view of the floor
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Bottom finished and seems filled
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

In the paint booth! All freshly painted!
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Looking sharp!
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

In the showroom of the paintshop
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild