The rear panel was in a very bad condition with a big dent and older repairs. The best way to solve this was replacing the entire rear panel.

A lot missing here 😉
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Looks scary, doesn’t it?
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Testfitting the Alfaholics rear panel
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

Rear panel stripped from paint and coated with epoxy
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild

More test fitting….
Alfa Romeo giulia 2000 1750 gtv gt veloce Berlina 1968 restoration restauratie rebuild